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General Lou

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Everything posted by General Lou

  1. We are currently waiting for more stock of the Bismark
  2. All I know is that you can expect it at the end of 2023. That's not a promise from me though, but I can promise some sort of preview of the protoype/development images after the summer!
  3. Currently working on an email update, so news is coming.
  4. I can confirm that yes, the plinth is the same specification as the plinths for other models.
  5. Congratulations for guessing which figureine became a model!!!!! Check out their custom badge:
  6. You certainly did my friend. I shall update your badge for you!
  7. нет komrad, sekrit dokument shows it is new stealth technology! XD
  8. Excellent - In the mean time, we have some Porsche 917 prototype videos coming out on our YouTube channel for you to enjoy!
  9. Do be careful on that part, keep wiggling and gently pushing and you will get it eventually! (we will replace your broken parts from our customer service)
  10. The dashboard shouldn't protrude outside of the body. It seems that maybe your inside door panels (where the window winder is) may not be pressed together firmly, resulting in them bulking out slightly too far? A photo would be helpfull if you wouldn't mind. Thanks.
  11. If you are having problems with screw alignment, here are some tips that i can provide: Firstly, the order that you screw in the screws is important. Each screw will ever so slighlty pull the alignment of all holes towards it. This will mean that if you screw in the screws on the right side of the model, each screw will ad up its pull and make the alignment of the left screws off towards the right. The solution to this is screw each screw on each side, alternating each time (screw one on the left, then next on the right and so on) to keep a balance. You should put each screw in loosly to minimise its grip, which pulls off the alignment. Try fiddling with other screws which could affect the fitting. Please do push the body and chassis together firmly. It takes some force to get the parts to 'snap' together as well. All of this being said, I have passed on your concerns to the team.
  12. General Lou


    From the album: London bus

  13. General Lou


    From the album: London bus

  14. General Lou


    From the album: London bus

  15. General Lou


    From the album: London bus

  16. I will give a little icon of the figurine to the profile badge of the first person to guess correctly (In this current chat), as soon as it is announced! This Icon will only be given away this once to upgrade your profile! Keep speculating or no one will receive it hahaha 🙂
  17. Enjoying the Terminator? I hope so because we will soon be announcing our next figurine!!! 🤔
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