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Agora Advantage Club

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Agora Advantage club. 

Part of our plan is to offer extra benefits and to reward our loyal customers. For this we started the Agora Advantage Club. Membership is free and automatic to anybody who buys a model kit from us.

Essentially there are three stages: Pro, Elite and Master, with varying benefits. 

When you start your first kit with us you become an AgoraPro member.

Forum members will get a badge in their profile showing their Advantage membership level. If we have missed you out, please send me a private message and I’ll get your badge sorted out!

Once you have completed your first Agora kit, you advance to AgoraElite status. So as we are all on our first kit, we’re all currently Pros!!!!

One of the key benefits of the Advantage club is that each time you finish a kit, we will give you a voucher to get any first pack from our range completely free, so you can try another model with no risk. 

Also, we have created a Facebook Group which is only for Agora Advantage Club members, where we will give some early-bird news, and exclusive content. You can find it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AgoraAdvantage/ (you will need to ‘join’ the group) 

You can see more about the Advantage Club and the other benefits here: https://www.agoramodels.com/agora-advantage/

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