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My take on the DB5 build


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And the answer is:-

Hello Brian. This not something we would know. As you say, it runs on 4.5V. This will power the whole car. Maybe this is a question to put to our Forum, as there are lots of modellers there that modify their builds. Good luck. Please share some pictures if you manage to do it. 

Thank you,

Whatever happened to the "experts"?

Anyway because of the different voltages and currents for different colours the final result will probably be 2 separate circuits with a 150 9hm resistor for green and something like 220 ohm for white....all based on 4.5vdc reaching the dashboard 

Surely agora have schematics or can speak to the Chinese manufacturer 

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13 hours ago, Bigbadbri said:

And the answer is:-

Hello Brian. This not something we would know. As you say, it runs on 4.5V. This will power the whole car. Maybe this is a question to put to our Forum, as there are lots of modellers there that modify their builds. Good luck. Please share some pictures if you manage to do it. 

Thank you,

Whatever happened to the "experts"?

Anyway because of the different voltages and currents for different colours the final result will probably be 2 separate circuits with a 150 9hm resistor for green and something like 220 ohm for white....all based on 4.5vdc reaching the dashboard 

Surely agora have schematics or can speak to the Chinese manufacturer 

Thanks @Bigbadbri for inquiring... Not really surprised that they don't know. We'll have to test when the rest of the electronics arrive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Agora just launched the "Goldfinger" version of the DB5... Your thoughts on this? 

Me? I would have bought any of the two given the choice. I really like the "damaged" version of the NTTD one though. So I'm not going to buy the Goldfinger version (one DB5 in the house is enough 😂).

I understand the process. Since most of the engineering of the model is already done, a few modifications and you have another model in your catalogue. 👍

I really hope (wish) they apply the same principle to the Wet Nelly and bring us the "For Your Eyes Only" version of the Lotus... Copper with the ski rack... Would buy that one for sure!

PS Still no news of Pack 8... 😭


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 I see your point, if Agora is making a run at Goldfinger's DB5, which let's face it, requires a few changes, i.e.; a gun change, center console and bullet shield modifications and some stickers to the existing model and perhaps they can sway some of the folks who got stuck at various stages of the EM builds when the folded, I can see that as a smart business decision. Going a step further and making the For Your Eyes Only Lotus from the Wet Nellie would require a bit more, but updating that kit would be far simpler than designing an entire vehicle, and the associated problems with that. Guess we'll see. I did love The Spy Who Loved Me, and had a Corgi Wet Nellie, not sure about having a 1/8 scale one though. 

I'm with you though, 1 DB5 is enough, and I don't know what I'll tackle next, I do like the Apache. 

Pack 8 arrived yesterday, hope yours gets there soon. 

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13 hours ago, Jo.Mora said:

I really hope (wish) they apply the same principle to the Wet Nelly and bring us the "For Your Eyes Only" version of the Lotus... Copper with the ski rack...

Yes, that would get my attention as well.

Also if they issued a "Bullitt" version of the Mustang, I'd sign up in a heart beat.

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1 minute ago, CraigThePlague said:

Yes, that would get my attention as well.

Also if they issued a "Bullitt" version of the Mustang, I'd sign up in a heart beat.

I would absolutely be down for the Bullitt Mustang as well. Let's go big and hope for both the Mustang and Charger from one of the most iconic (and first) real car chase scenes in the movies! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chatting with @Wtshark, the idea popped that rotating License Plates would be much cooler than the "Digital" offered with the kit. Though I'm curious to see what they look like in real life...

Anyhow, since my brain need to constantly be thinking of something, I came out with this prototype.

Now, I don't know the correct size of the plates or if there's enough room to fit those in the model, but the exercise was fun.

BTW, Pack 8 just came in!


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1 hour ago, Jo.Mora said:

Chatting with @Wtshark, the idea popped that rotating License Plates would be much cooler than the "Digital" offered with the kit. Though I'm curious to see what they look like in real life...

Anyhow, since my brain need to constantly be thinking of something, I came out with this prototype.

Now, I don't know the correct size of the plates or if there's enough room to fit those in the model, but the exercise was fun.

BTW, Pack 8 just came in!


Hope you will find place for this cool solution.

I will keep the standard one as the digital one looks not really realistic for me and I didn't see this option in NTTD, did I?

I saw that rotating plates are included in the DB5 Goldfinger version. It could be nice if we can have the choice...

Waiting your pack 8 mods 😉

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First mod from Pack 8 that just showed up!

Light grey wash to highlight the ribs on the air filter duct and clamps made of strips of aluminum duct tape.

Little trick, I stick a magnet on my screwdriver to prevent losing the screws... 😉


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Working on the Fire Wall this morning.

Redid the wiring of what I believe are the fuse boxes...

Tiniest coloured wires I could find are from an old HDMI cable I had laying around. Not bad I think.



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37 minutes ago, dcartwright said:

You keep raising the bar. Excellent work!

Thanks! In no case do I want to make this a competition, I am starting to enjoy the hobby again after having neglected it for a few decades. This built is more of a personal challenge.

The beauty of the hobby is that everyone does it as they feel it. 

I really enjoy watching (and get inspired) by member's builds, I share tricks and ideas and if I inspire other builders, it's a bonus for me. I made some new friends on this forum witch is really nice! 😉

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3 minutes ago, Jo.Mora said:

Thanks! In no case do I want to make this a competition, I am starting to enjoy the hobby again after having neglected it for a few decades. This built is more of a personal challenge.

The beauty of the hobby is that everyone does it as they feel it. 

I really enjoy watching (and get inspired) by member's builds, I share tricks and ideas and if I inspire other builders, it's a bonus for me. I made some new friends on this forum witch is really nice! 😉

Agreed, I have never looked at it like a competition, (I'd lose, hands down) but I am inspired and motivated to attempt some upgrades others (including you) have done and like you, I am enjoying a hobby I haven't participated in for many years. I agree, making new friends (including yourself) and chatting about the models improves them, not to mention the exchange of amazing parts and tips. 😉 Keep it up my friend!

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Guys, please don’t think that I want us all to build exactly the same. My thought is that what we build can be at any level. That is great thing about these partwork kits. It allows you to build it anyway you want. They are still a great model straight out of the box. 

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12 minutes ago, dcartwright said:

Guys, please don’t think that I want us all to build exactly the same. My thought is that what we build can be at any level. That is great thing about these partwork kits. It allows you to build it anyway you want. They are still a great model straight out of the box. 

No worries @dcartwright! That's what this hobby is all about! Everyone enjoys it in its own way.

I have built many "out of the box" models myself but as I said, this one is a personal challenge (mainly because it is the most expensive model I have ever bought 😂) and I don't mean to showoff.

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Instructions for Pack 10 are out! 😁

Oh no... Looks like the Dome Lights don't light up... Maybe we can fix this...? 🤔

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23 minutes ago, dcartwright said:

Great progress. Have you decided whether your build is the pristine car, or the bullet riddled version?

I would say 99% the bullet riddled version...

I'm waiting to see what it looks like in real before I decide.

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As of right now, I’m considering building them both, NTTD as bullett ridden, Goldfinger as stock. Waiting to see how each version of the NTTD looks.

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42 minutes ago, dcartwright said:

As of right now, I’m considering building them both, NTTD as bullett ridden, Goldfinger as stock. Waiting to see how each version of the NTTD looks.

Nice! I'd have to convince my wife... 🤣

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Fixing an "inaccuracy" from Agora...

The "Vacuum Line" that becomes a "Coolant Line".

DB5 Coolant vs Vacuum 01.jpgMy solution...

DB5 Coolant vs Vacuum 02.jpgYes I know... Dust shows like crazy on my pictures.

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