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Fanhome r2 and ET back in stock finally...πŸ‘

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Hey fellow agorians,prior to my previous topic post on fanhome being on a roll...well let's just say that was then..🀨

Me and other model builders doing the r2d2 are still waiting on the final 2 issues needed to complete the build.some people since october 2023 and no date on when they will turn up...slightly worrying.

On top of this I have subscribed to E.T and now this is on hold Due to "increased demand" and once again no idea when the 3rd pack will arrive.Β  Recieved first 2 packs in Jan and Feb no issue.

I'm also seeing more of the models being put on hold,Nissan skyline and maybe the batmobile 66?

Really frustrating and will definitely have to consider whether it's worth using them for any future models or just stick toΒ  100% agora..

Anyone in the same boat?


Edited by Christopher Christou
Fanhome and now fulfilling their customers model packs after long wait
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I been waiting since early January for the last 2 issues of R2-D2 as you know Chris, and I was hoping you may well had some good news, but to the contrary it's the exact opposite. I was discussing just last month about my concerns and is it the case that FH have taken on too much? We both discussed it Chris andΒ  I believe we reluctantly agreed that is the case. At this moment in time things are very concerning, and I have been writing to FH every two weeks, same old answers every time, ' We understand your concerns,' especially with the way I and many others was bitten by M Space and the demise of Eaglemoss, it doesn't bode well, and what can we do about it? Absolutely nothing! We just hope they are being genuine with us and open and honest, because what I don't understand is, how come me and you and many others have come this far on R2-D2 yet they have problems procuring the last two issues, in any business you think their plan would had those last two issues for us that are in the same boat, because we have done 98 issues without a hitch so far, πŸ˜” I'm sorry, I don't understand how they have made such a error in amongst releasing model after model recently. So far they have done nothing to allay my fears.

Chris for my and your sake and others in this situation, things will work out I do hope.


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How's it going Phil,good to hear from you as always. I'm thinking what you said is true and they have took way too much on..its really frustrating as they have announced so much in the past 6 months with robocop,skyline,batmobile,e.t ect as well as letting people finish up the delorian and ecto who got left high and dry by Eaglemoss ect.

Ita good you keep emailing them to keep the pressure on what's happening with our models.Β  Like you say its gone to issue 98 with no problem and now all of a sudden 99 and 100 with r2 is just not available to all the customers.its weird and I can't understand how that's possible when so many people are waiting on the last 2? Like how are they not available when we have been subscribed for the past 2 years?

All these questions and no answers except they are doing there best to get the parts out ASAP.Β  Its taking ages though🀨.you have been waiting since Jan as well..πŸ˜”

I guess we just live in hope that they get dispatched soon...

I'll keep monitoring on my side and update here if I hear anything....fingers crossed🀞


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Yes Chris I'm fine thank you, and I hope you are too and good to hear from you as well.

Do you know Chris what I don't understand is, we have been subscribed to R2-D2 for these two years plus, and yet when it comes to issues 99-100, they haven't got any! How on earth did they get into that situation, it is either terrible mismanagement, or they don't want to admit that when a lot of people got to the last two stages finding their R2 unit not working properly, could had been people making mistakes with wiring or the such, but then they write to FH saying it's not working, "Send me those two issues again", because what I don't fathom is how in the hell are they short of all these issues for all of us, that are left in limbo here waiting as long as 5 months or more?

This better not go the way it happened with MS, it really is testing my faith in partworks models and in FH πŸ€¬πŸ˜‘πŸ‘Ώ

However I still believe them at this time, if this is being a bit green, I don't know, but there's proof in the phrase "Once Bitten Twice Shy"

I will of course Chris keep you informed too if I hear anything, you'll hear it here first.

Cheers buddy 🍺

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On 3/15/2024 at 2:31 PM, Christopher Christou said:

Hey fellow agorians,prior to my previous topic post on fanhome being on a roll...well let's just say that was then..🀨

Me and other model builders doing the r2d2 are still waiting on the final 2 issues needed to complete the build.some people since october 2023 and no date on when they will turn up...slightly worrying.

On top of this I have subscribed to E.T and now this is on hold Due to "increased demand" and once again no idea when the 3rd pack will arrive.Β  Recieved first 2 packs in Jan and Feb no issue.

I'm also seeing more of the models being put on hold,Nissan skyline and maybe the batmobile 66?

Really frustrating and will definitely have to consider whether it's worth using them for any future models or just stick toΒ  100% agora..

Anyone in the same boat?


Opposite boat for me. It's becoming very likely that I won't be using Agora again once my current sub is complete 😞 

And I'm not sure if anything should be read into this, but I received an email from Fanhome this morning offering me free shipping on my first two packages if I subscribe to the Robocop build.

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50 minutes ago, notsram said:

Opposite boat for me. It's becoming very likely that I won't be using Agora again once my current sub is complete 😞 

And I'm not sure if anything should be read into this, but I received an email from Fanhome this morning offering me free shipping on my first two packages if I subscribe to the Robocop build.

Hey Notsram,wow I'm surprised you said you won't be using agora again.how come?

I got the same email from fanhome this morning about robocop....

It seems they are offering deals if you sign up to their models but when you do you don't even know when and if your model parts will arrive due to this persistent delay with logistics in the company..I wouldn't sign up to anything else at the mo until they get their shit together...

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It’s an ongoing issue with Agora. I’ve given them until the end of the month to resolve it, so it wouldn’t be fair of me to go into details before then, apart from to say that it’s dragged on WAY too long.

I’m not sure we should read too much into the free shipping offer from Fanhome. It could be as simple as they need to free up warehouse space, so are offering a small sweetener if people sub.

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4 hours ago, notsram said:

It’s an ongoing issue with Agora. I’ve given them until the end of the month to resolve it, so it wouldn’t be fair of me to go into details before then, apart from to say that it’s dragged on WAY too long.

I’m not sure we should read too much into the free shipping offer from Fanhome. It could be as simple as they need to free up warehouse space, so are offering a small sweetener if people sub.

Fair play,ok well I hope it all works out in the end and the experience hasn't left you put off for life.Β  But understandable if it has gone on for ages...

As for fanhome...πŸ‘‡



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Not just Fanhome but Agora too. I'm still waiting, over 7 weeks, for Routemaster pack 4. My 2 two requests to cancelled were ignored...So much for their "cancel anytime" statement. At least Fanhome are communicating with their customers and give the option to pause from the onset. I had to contact Agora after it not being delivered 2 weeks after payment was taken, and they've taken another payment since.

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17 hours ago, 37401 said:

Not just Fanhome but Agora too. I'm still waiting, over 7 weeks, for Routemaster pack 4. My 2 two requests to cancelled were ignored...So much for their "cancel anytime" statement. At least Fanhome are communicating with their customers and give the option to pause from the onset. I had to contact Agora after it not being delivered 2 weeks after payment was taken, and they've taken another payment since.

Hi 37401, please can you contact us via the Support Link as I have asked the team to look out for a message from you so we can make sure everything is sorted as per your wishes. Thank you

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  • Christopher Christou changed the title to Fanhome r2 and ET back in stock finally...πŸ‘

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