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Decisions . . . ?


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I'm currently in progress on the E-Type, but I'm looking at my next project. 

I really, really like the Miura but have been hearing some potential issues with paint quality and fit. I like adding detail, and don't mind fiddling with the fit if it's needed, but I am not really interested in having to do any serious paint corrections.   

I really like the 300SL (classic, and would counterpoint the E-Type well) and 917 (it looks like a detail fanatic dream) as well,

Any recommendations on my next major purchase? :-)

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Were it I, I would go with either the 300SL, or the 917. Now, of these two, its a really tough choice. They both have amazing detail, excellent fit, and great looks. I have built both, and I couldn't pick one over the other if I had to!


Buy both!! Problem solved!





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Since I'm more into classic vehicles and pure sports vehicles aren't my thing, the 917 wouldn't be for me.

I'm sitting at the 300SL right now and I'm thrilled.

Otherwise, I can also recommend the Cobra, a wonderful model that required very little or nothing to be reworked or improved.

The Bugatti from IXO would be something for me. If Agora could take this over and turn it into a monthly series that would be fantastic.

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