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Pack 11 - Stage 82. Front body details.

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Stage 82 gives us some details for the front body.


Screw the left and right air scoops, which are the cooling air intake for the front brakes.


They look like this from the top.


Fit the two grills over the wheel arches.


They look like this from the top.


Take the front grill and bend the table up at 90 degrees.  Make sure you bend them the right way as they are likely to break if you get it wrong and have to bend them back the other way.


Push the grill into position.


Secure the grill by bending the tabs at the back.


Place the bonnet in position.


Temporarily hold it with four blue bonnet pins.


Now we have to apply the first decal to the bodywork.  You will need some decal softener to get this to adhere over the edges.  I use MicroScale Sol and Set, is I'll describe it's use.  There are several other decal softeners available so follow this instructions provided with whatever you use.

Put the decal in water for just long enough so that the decal will slide easily on the paper.  Don't let it soak for so long that it floats off the paper as this will have dissolved all the glue!

A plastic parts tray makes a good container if you're too lazy to go to the kitchen to get a saucer!


As I mentioned, the Microscale softener comes in two bottles.  The blue bottle softens the decal and improves adhesion.  (At least, that's what it says on the bottle).  Paint it on the area where the decal will be applied.  Don't worry if it beads up.  It will spread when you apply the decal.


Slide the decal off the paper and onto the model.  Line it up with the numbers on the bonnet.


Remove the bonnet so you can get to the edge of the decal easily.  Now apply the Micro Set (red bottle) which is a stronger softener.  This will soften the decal so it will mould itself round the edges.  You can help it with a brush, but be very gentle.  Focus on the edge against the bonnet, the edge under the windscreen and also the edges around the air intake.


Once you're happy that the decal is nearly there, leave it to dry overnight.  If the decal starts to wrinkle, don't panic, and stop touching it.  This is the decal softening, so leave it alone to dry.  The wrinkles will magically disappear as it dries.  Once the decal is dry, it should look something like this.  Then you can pierce the holes for the windscreen wiper with a cocktail stick.


This completes the stage.



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