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Pack 9 - Stage 71. The oil tank.

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Stage 71 gives us the oil tank.

EDIT: Do not glue any of the fuel or oil pipes at the moment.  Some of these will be replaced in a later Pack.


Screw the bracket to the oil tank body.


Screw the other half of the oil tank body to the bracket, completing the main oil tank.


Screw teh oil tank to the support frame that was provided on stage 70.


Fit the strap over the oil tank and support frame.


If the strap springs out as in the photo above, remove it and bend it carefully so that it springs against the oil tank sides.  It's made from thin metal and bends easily.


Push the thermostat onto the oil tank support frame.


Screw the oil tank support frame to the left chassis plate.


Take the long oil hose and cut a length 40mm and a second length 140mm long.


Push the filler cap handle onto the filler cap, then push the longer oil hose onto the filler cap.  Store this safely as it will be fitted in a later stage.


Take the 40mm length and fit it to both the thermostat and the oil tank.


Take the thinner pre-cut oil hose and fit this to the other pins on the thermostat and oil tank.  This will need trimming to length.


Push the support rod onto the oil tank support frame.


Locate the hoses that were fitted in stages 37 and 66, and make sure they come through the chassis framework as shown, then hold them up out of the way while you fi the left chassis plate.


Fit the oil tank to the chassis.  This is a bit tricky but it helps to fit the top of the support rod to the chassis.


Then push the lower screw posts on the chassis plate into the holes in the chassis.  Finally fix it in place with a couple of screws,.


It should look like this when it's properly secured.


Take the oil hose 37B and fit it to the oil tank.


Take teh cooling water hose 66H and fit it to the thermostat.  You can just about see the thermostat.  It was almost impossible to get a decent angle to photograph this.


Take the braided hose and pre-bend it to fit between the fuel pump and fuel filter.  When you're happy, push it in place.  You may like to glue it with superglue.  On my model the fitting for the fuel pump was quite loose and needed gluing in place.


This completes the stage.



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