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Pack 7, the lower legs.

Mark A

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Pack 7 deals with both the L and R legs. There are 3 trays of parts to go through, and it’s a pretty quick build. (2 hours) 

Let’s get started!


We start by building the ankle pistons. These go together easily. Locate all the parts for both ankles, as well as 4 PB2.3x 6mm screws,  (steps 1-1c) I found that the parts are best screwed together while they are laying flat on your work area. In step 2, the other half of the pistons are assembled. You’ll need all the parts, plus another 4 PB screws. (Steps 2-5)



Step 6 is the installation of the ankle bearings. These are held in place with 2 M3x8 bolts with lock washers. You’ll need the hex wrench from earlier stages for these.



Steps 7-10 assemble the left “calf and ankle.” (assembly D) The drawings are a bit confusing here, as the inset drawing 7a is viewed from the opposite side of the assembly. Sandwich part TR-7-01 between TR-7-12 and TR-7-04. TR-7-04 only fits one way, so don’t let the drawing confuse you as it did me. You’ll need 8 M3x14 bolts with lockwashers as well as 4 nuts. The nuts fit into receptacles on TR-7-04, which makes threading the bolts and getting them tightened an easy task.



Steps 9 and 10 secure D to the previously assembled foot. This is held in place with 2 bolts and lockwashers. This creates assembly “Z”.



  For step 11, you’ll need the 3 cable guides, and 6 PB screws. The cable is routed up the leg, and around the pivot.



Step 12 attaches the knee bearing to assembly Z. Again, you’ll need 2 M3x10 bolts with 2 SERRATED washers to assemble the parts.



Step 13 attaches TR-7-15, a cover to the knee. You’ll need to make sure that the cable is not pinched between the part and the cover when it is routed up the back of the knee joint.



The next step, 14, attaches the ankle cover. You’ll need 4 PB screws. This is attached to the outside of the ankle, and step 15 attaches the inside cover.



Steps 16-18 attach the ankle pistons. You’ll want to angle the lower leg back as is mentioned in the build guide. I found it easiest to separate the two halves of the piston assembly and started with the bottom portion first. (The part with the silver rods) Once I had this attached, I inserted the rods into the top portion, and got that screwed down. The bottom portion is a bit fiddly to get screwed into place, and you’ll want to make sure your screwdriver is magnetized, as the screw placement is a bit difficult.



Step 19 attaches the “knee.” You’ll need 2 serrated washers again, as well as 2 M3x10 bolts. Simple stuff!



Step 20 is another cable guide, that is fixed into place with 2 PB screws.



Step 21 is the last of the pivot joints to be installed. (knee/thigh joint)



The next part to be fixed into place on assembly Z is the bottom of the thigh. You’ll need two more of the M3x10 bolts as well as 2 serrated washers. (step 22) Step 23 is another cable guide and is held in place with 2 PB screws.



The last two parts are the knee covers. These clamshell over the knee joint, and you’ll need a total of 7 PB screws.



Voila! One done leg! The right leg is a repeat of the above steps, using the same parts as previously.



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9 hours ago, Mark A said:



Pack 7 deals with both the L and R legs. There are 3 trays of parts to go through, and it’s a pretty quick build. (2 hours) 


Let’s get started!




We start by building the ankle pistons. These go together easily. Locate all the parts for both ankles, as well as 4 PB2.3x 6mm screws,  (steps 1-1c) I found that the parts are best screwed together while they are laying flat on your work area. In step 2, the other half of the pistons are assembled. You’ll need all the parts, plus another 4 PB screws. (Steps 2-5)





Step 6 is the installation of the ankle bearings. These are held in place with 2 M3x8 bolts with lock washers. You’ll need the hex wrench from earlier stages for these.





Steps 7-10 assemble the left “calf and ankle.” (assembly D) The drawings are a bit confusing here, as the inset drawing 7a is viewed from the opposite side of the assembly. Sandwich part TR-7-01 between TR-7-12 and TR-7-04. TR-7-04 only fits one way, so don’t let the drawing confuse you as it did me. You’ll need 8 M3x14 bolts with lockwashers as well as 4 nuts. The nuts fit into receptacles on TR-7-04, which makes threading the bolts and getting them tightened an easy task.





Steps 9 and 10 secure D to the previously assembled foot. This is held in place with 2 bolts and lockwashers. This creates assembly “Z”.





  For step 11, you’ll need the 3 cable guides, and 6 PB screws. The cable is routed up the leg, and around the pivot.





Step 12 attaches the knee bearing to assembly Z. Again, you’ll need 2 M3x10 bolts with 2 SERRATED washers to assemble the parts.





Step 13 attaches TR-7-15, a cover to the knee. You’ll need to make sure that the cable is not pinched between the part and the cover when it is routed up the back of the knee joint.





The next step, 14, attaches the ankle cover. You’ll need 4 PB screws. This is attached to the outside of the ankle, and step 15 attaches the inside cover.





Steps 16-18 attach the ankle pistons. You’ll want to angle the lower leg back as is mentioned in the build guide. I found it easiest to separate the two halves of the piston assembly and started with the bottom portion first. (The part with the silver rods) Once I had this attached, I inserted the rods into the top portion, and got that screwed down. The bottom portion is a bit fiddly to get screwed into place, and you’ll want to make sure your screwdriver is magnetized, as the screw placement is a bit difficult.





Step 19 attaches the “knee.” You’ll need 2 serrated washers again, as well as 2 M3x10 bolts. Simple stuff!





Step 20 is another cable guide, that is fixed into place with 2 PB screws.





Step 21 is the last of the pivot joints to be installed. (knee/thigh joint)





The next part to be fixed into place on assembly Z is the bottom of the thigh. You’ll need two more of the M3x10 bolts as well as 2 serrated washers. (step 22) Step 23 is another cable guide and is held in place with 2 PB screws.





The last two parts are the knee covers. These clamshell over the knee joint, and you’ll need a total of 7 PB screws.





Voila! One done leg! The right leg is a repeat of the above steps, using the same parts as previously.





Can't wait to get them! Well done Mark, I love short builds 😆

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