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Pack 12 - Stage 94. Fuselage panel, guns, etc.

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  • Administrator

Stage 94 gives us a fuselage panel, 20mm guns, pitot tube, small wing panels, and some decals.


Push the fuselage spine panel in place.


This is followed by the rudder fairing.


Now add the 2 20mm guns and the pitot tube.  Be careful of these are they are quite vulnerable and easy to break during the subsequent assembly.



Clip the upper wing panels in place, making sure that they are fully seated.  It's a bit of a game, but they will go with a bit of perseverance.  They are also fixed with a couple of screws in each panel.  One near the wing root and one in the recess for the small outer wing panel.



Add the two outer wing panels, which are just pushed in place.


Push the two small inner wing panels into position.


Add the two aileron control rod covers.  These also push in place.  


Finally, add the antenna.  Note that it leans forwards slightly.


This completes the stage.


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