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Stage 25 gives us the well deck forward bulkhead and another lighting panel.


Fit the four brackets to the back of the bulkhead.


Take the Led panel and clip it in place on the underside of the well deck.  The clips are a bit tight and you'll need a small crew driver to ease the clips.


Now would be a good time to test the LEDs.


Screw the bulkhead to the front of the well deck.


Retrieve the fore deck and fit the two ladders.  These push on to pins on the underside of the foredeck.

I found that the wood had lifted in a couple of places around the edge.  I just applied a bit of superglue under the veneer with a cocktail stick to hold it down.  Be careful not to get any superglue on the surface of the deck.


Screw the foredeck and and well deck together.


This completes the stage.


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