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Everything posted by wyatt

  1. Just received my packs 7 & 8 and I agree uglywolf, much better packaging, no damage. Well done Agora. Happy Holidays to all the good folks at Agora and on the forum. wyatt
  2. Just had an email from Agora. The shipment for Pack 7 & 8 is ready for UPS pickup. Hopefully get them before Xmas day. Well done Agora. Have patience folks.
  3. I haven't started on my T-800 yet but I'm always on the look out for detail/upgrade parts. So here is a fix for the tenon wobble in the legs for those who don't have the means/desire to scratch build something for it. Get the combo pack and save a bit. With tracking US $23.02 total for shipping. They have a video on their product page showing the install. World of Wayne also has a vid. Hope it helps . Just ordered mine. They are also doing a Plasma rifle kit which isn't out yet. wyatt
  4. Pack 5 arrived for me and it was beat up also. One corner torn and the left and right ends of the top were not taped down. If anybody in the delivery chain wanted to they could reach in and take anything. Lucky for me everything was intact and accounted for. Really need to add more tape and maybe stiffer cardboard. For me it was UPS almost to me then handed off to the US postal service for delivery. It did make it here very quickly this time. So that was a plus. Getting better.
  5. For those interested, the Hatchette 1/32 Hogwarts Express subscription has started in Europe. Interesting that it trialed in Japan but for sale in Europe. Oh well. Big drawback for me is the 2 1/2 year (30 months) subscription period. No thanks. If anybody across the pond starts this please share with us. Hurricane coming tonight. Batten down the hatches! https://hogwartsexpress.hachettepartworks.com/
  6. Well, swat my hind with mellon rind. One hour after my last post I received a tracking number for pack 4. And, it's with UPS !!!!!!. Yea !!!!!! Very wise decision, thank you.
  7. Pack 4 for me was charged on July 29. Aug. 8 was notified it would ship from Florida within 10 days. 25 days after being charged, no Pack 4. How is that the fault of the USPS. As I've stated before, UPS or FedEx would be the way to go but regardless of shipper, the package has to be given to the carrier. At least an explanation for the delay would be reasonable.
  8. On a positive note, I just received Pack three. A big thank you!! to Agora management for the new shipping boxes. Very stout and secure. Well done!! The blue boxes were very attractive but just couldn't hold up to the rigors of the postal services. Now, with UPS, FedEx or DHL it will be perfect. wyatt
  9. Absolutely love the pictures James! Thank you for your efforts. wyatt
  10. General Lou, I would like to make a suggestion to Agora decision makers if you could pass it on please. When the T-800 starts shipping here in the US please use UPS or FedEx as the shipper. It has been my experience that they are more reliable than the US postal system. The tracking system actually works and I know the package will get delivered. From an end user point of view this would provide great peace of mind. Thank you. Stay healthy, calm and safe, wyatt
  11. You're off to a great start James. Great pics and thanks for sharing.
  12. Just received tracking number for Pack 2. Shipping from the UK.
  13. That's not a good thing to hear. My package is still in limbo after leaving the UK 7 days ago. I've been charged for Pack 2. Be interesting to see how long that one takes. World of Wayne is in the UK and I believe he's working with Agora, so his packs will be perfect. Fingers crossed the packs arrive soon and in good shape.
  14. Greetings folks, Just saw that Wayne, from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnqD64BMSRW6S8phmT1gohw/videos has started his second build of a Terminator T-800 kit. This time from Agora Models. Looks like he's working with Agora to do this build which is a great idea, as Wayne is easy to listen to and does a fantastic youtube channel. Check him out as he has done a complete video of Pack 1 build that all of us will be receiving soon. Another site I'd like to recommend for tips and hints is https://myterminatort800.com/build/ Very well laid out website and he's up to Issue 50. He has other builds going on as well. Just checked my tracking number (May 14,2020) and my Pack 1 has left the UK on the way to the US. Cheer!
  15. Good bit of progress there Sascha. Looking great so far.
  16. Welcome Mario. Nice start to the SS. Enjoy your build, we will.
  17. Here's part of the email notification Agora sent me today; We hope you are still keeping safe and healthy during these challenging times. We are delighted to tell you that your Pack #1 of Terminator T-800 has been processed and we are shipping this directly to you from our UK hub. Your tracking number with Royal Mail International is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Due to shipping restrictions and delays caused by COVID-19, please allow an extra 7 days for delivery. The payment for Pack #2 will be processed on May 20th and we will ship Pack #2 to you within 48 hours. We will of course contact you then to send you your tracking number. An extra 7 days to what I don't know. I'm stateside, so we'll see.
  18. Well how about that. Just received my tracking number. Look what you started YeepYeep. Cheers!
  19. Good news for you YeepYeep. Hopefully more will be rolling out on this side of the pond.
  20. Edited the original post. New link. Thanks Tinkertoo.
  21. Very nice beginning Sascha. Great pictures also. Thanks.
  22. Well, looks like Atlaya is starting a trial in France of a Star Wars AT-AT (All Terrain - Attack Transport). 1/47 scale - 56.4 cm (22 3/16 inches) long. Any Star Wars fans salivating yet? The URL worked before, but seems to change for some reason, So, use the link below to go to the news page and scroll down. Use your preferred translation app (google translate works for me) and peruse the news of partswork kits. Sorry for the hassle. Thanks for your help Tinkertoo. https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/kazuw01/diaryall/
  23. 1/8 scale with all the cool gadgets of the real (movie) car I'd be in for one.
  24. Well John and those interested, looks like a trial has started for the Hogwarts Express in 1/32. Here is a tiny morsel on a Japanese website that keeps track of partworks. Hope more info is forthcoming. https://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/kazuw01/diary/202004300000/ From the picture it looks like the locomotive and two cars. 1.3 meters is 4 feet 3 3/16 inches for us SAE folks. Nice!
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