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wyatt last won the day on February 23 2022

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  1. Nice find MikeH. Thank you.
  2. For those seeking a little bit more accuracy, do an image search for 'Routemaster B frame' and/or Routemaster suspension. The 'B' frame is the rear suspension. The London Transport Museum has some good photos of this unit as does flickr. The part in question is from Pack 2 (which I still haven't received) - stage 12(left) & 13(right). Parts 12k & 13k(brake lines) should be a solid bar, NOT a black rubber hose. This linkage is the emergency brake linkage. This solid bar should connect parts 12gs on the left and 13gs on the right. If someone has better information please share with us. Hope this helps.
  3. This won't be a full build from me, I'm really slow, just a teaser of some of the kit parts and what a little OCD can do. It's a very nice kit so far. I'm up to Box 6 (from IXO) so it's good to see Agora pick this up. Hand over the wallet you know you want it. Cheers, wyatt
  4. I placed my order and they are in hand. Really quick shipping to the US. They are beautifully done and of very high quality. Should make quite a difference when it comes to installing them, which is a fair ways off. Peter also responds very quickly. If you want your RM to be a bit different from the others this is a good way to go. I give these posters - 👍👍👍👍👍. Thank you Peter! wyatt
  5. Hi Dave, Do you know the correct/official color for the wheels of the RM's? Julian -'Wheels and Steps modifications' thread- pointed out that the color isn't red but a burgundy color. Thank you, wyatt
  6. Looking good Julian. Many thanks for the tip on the color for the wheels. I've collected hundreds of pictures of Rm's for reference and I did not catch that detail. Thank you.
  7. Hi Mick, I received an email notification that my Pack 3 was being shipped. How long it takes for the package to actually get to the post office is the question. Keep us posted. wyatt
  8. Hello Peter, Welcome aboard and thanks for the video. Quite the varied subject matter in your models. wyatt
  9. laverdj, Try using a hair dryer - NOT a heat gun. I've always used one and it always works. Just take your time and maybe be careful around the lettering. If they will send you replacements you will now have a couple of test pieces to practice with the hair dryer. If you don't have one get a cheap one.
  10. The picture doesn't seem to load, at least for me. Would love to see what you're up to.
  11. Looks awesome kenerg. What kind of mods are you planning if I may ask? I see the Ecto 1 trying to steal some limelight.
  12. Ahoj, Still Nerd Inside, Mám sadu T800, která čeká na sestavení. Až začnu, budu odkazovat na vaše videa jako na nápovědu pro mou stavbu.Děkujeme za vaše úsilí při výrobě videí. Nemůžeme těžit ze zvuku, jak je v češtině, ale "obrázky vydá za tisíc slov". Také jsem ti dal pár lajků za všechno tvé úsilí. Pokračujte ve skvělé práci. Použil jsem Google Translate, takže pokud je nedokonalý, omlouvám se. Hello, Still Nerd Inside. I have the T800 kit waiting to be built. When I start I will refer to your videos as help for my build. Thank you for your efforts in producing the videos. We can not beneifit from the audio, as it is in Czech, but "pictures are worth a thousand words". I also gave you a few likes for all your efforts. Keep up the great work. I used Google Translate, so if it is imperfect, my apologies.
  13. Outstanding Joel. That is a great improvement.
  14. Oh yea! Very nicely done Joel. When there is room that is the way to go. Some holes there isn't any room, so a bottoming tap and shorter bolts is the ticket, if you're willing to go that far. Of course you can drill a hole and glue the bolt in. I just like the challenge of tapping. Are your bolts from Model Motor Cars?
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