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Assembling the chest

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Start by gathering the parts for the first step. You'll need the cable, TR-12-132, the housing, TR-12-102 and the light unit TR-12-135, as well as 2 2.3 x 6 mm screws. Screw the light to the back of the housing and connect the cable.


Next, add the diffuser and the crystal to the assembly.  You'll need a couple spots of glue on both the crystal and the diffuser.


Now, we will add the brackets on either side of the crystal. Again, glue is required in 4 places on each bracket that has pins. Assemble the brackets onto the cast on lugs on the back part of the crystal housing.



Next, you'll add the second part to the back of the housing assembly followed by the front part. There are also 2 detail parts that get glued onto the housing assembly, followed by 2 more small silver detail parts. Lastly, position the two parts for the magnetic catch, and glue them into their sockets. This wraps up the "Matrix of Leadership."



Now, we turn our attention to the large chest panel that is located behind the Matrix. The first step is to insert the metallic portions of the magnetic catches onto the panel. Dab a bit of CA glue into the sockets and place the small bits of metal into the socket.


Next, place the matrix into the socket that is the back panel. Gather up the parts in step 11, and position the hinges onto the silver parts as shown. Then, using 4x 2.6 x 6 screws, screw the hinges to the large back panel from behind.


The next item to assemble is the large, detailed cover to the Matrix. Start by placing the two PVC bushings onto the pins of the panel. Next, add part TR-12-86 to the panel, and secure from behind with TR-12-88, and 3x 2.3 x 6 screws. This is followed by another 2 detail parts, also secured with 2.3 x 6 screws from behind. Lastly, add hinges TR-12-120 & 121, securing with 2 PB 2 x 4 screws.




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