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Stage 78, installing the headlight switches

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This stage is a bit fiddly.


Start by identifying switch mounts A and B. Then, using mount A,  match up the screw holes. Use a UM screw to secure the switch to the base. Now, repeat for switch mount B.


Use the switch extension cable to extend the switch cord.


Now, remove the two braces from the front body, and place the large piece of tape where indicated. do the same for the small piece of tape as well.


Next, CAREFULLY bend the wires so that they lay flat against the body of switch A, and then repeat for switch B. Next, Install switch A, paying attention to the two large screw holes match u, and that the switch is facing the rear of the body. secure with a DM screw. Install switch B so that the switch tongue is facing forward, and secure with another DM screw.


Stage complete!



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