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LaFerrari, Pack 8

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Stage 57, The windshield


This stage starts with the addition of 2 metal hood brackets. They are screwed down to each side of the engine compartment with 2 H screws.


Next, the "connection panel" is added into place and this blanks out some of the interior workings that are part of the model.


Stage complete

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Stage 58, Fuel tank cap and recharging socket


this is another quick stage.  Start by mounting the rear view mirror to the windshield. This is placed on the blacked out area of the windshield. Take care to position it squarely! 


Next, the charging socket is pressed into place on the right side of the body. (I neglected to take pictures of this stage)


The charging socket is followed by the fuel cap, which is also a press fit.


Stage finished!

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Stage 59, The right door (1)


We get some beautiful bodywork in this stage.!

Start by screwing together the upper and lower door parts. There are 2 B type screws used here.


Next, the steering shaft is inserted into the dash from earlier stages.


Stage complete

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Stage 60, The right door (2)


This stage has the window, and the upper panel for the of the door, as well as the door piston.


Start by attaching the window to the door panel from the last stage. The window is secured with 2 G screws. Next, the upper door panel is screwed into place with 2 more G screws.


Lastly, the door piston is press-fit into place on the door bracket.



Stage complete.

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Stage 61, The right door (3)

This stage gets us a bit closer to finishing the right door.


Start by screwing the small detail panel into place with a AA screw.


Next, fit the front panel into place using 2 Q type screws.


Now, fit the interior door panel into place, securing it with 3 G screws. This is followed by the headliner, which is pressed into place. 


Stage complete.

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Stage 62, The right door (4)


This stage will yield a finished door!


All parts in this stage are pressed into place. Start with the door interior panel, and the arm rest. The panel is first, followed by the L shaped arm rest.


Next, press the door handle into place.


Lastly, the beautiful Ferrari emblem is mounted to the door in the recess on the outer door panel.


Stage  (and door) finished!

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