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Stage 50, Connecting the power switch, speaker, and battery cables

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This stage starts with the placement of the "engine mount plugs." These are more than a bit fiddly to put into place. The masking tape on the tweezers trick is helpful, as these take a fair bit of poking and prodding to get into place.


Next, connect the two power cables labeled "S" together. Take care to not attempt to connect the two connectors wrong way around, as this will bend the pins. in the connector.



Now, it's time for the brains of the build, the computer board. This mounts to the top of the battery compartment. Fix the board into place with 4x EP screws. Make sure all cables are not trapped under the board when you are installing it. The battery cables in particular want to hide underneath the board.



You'll now connect the switch cable to the board by inserting the connector into the socket labeled "S" on the board. placing the connector with the tweezers is the way to go, as the fuel filler neck gets in the way of fingers. IMG_5776.jpg.a1d051681e2cdc514e92b3fdada2c591.jpg

Now, do the same with the battery cables  ( socket "D") and the speaker cables (socket "C") Move the D cable so that it is UNDER the fuel neck. You may need to lift up the fuel filler neck ever so slightly to get the cables under the tube.

Lastly, following the directions, route the switch cable around the right side of the fuel tank, and place the switch into its cutout. Make sure the switch is oriented correctly (On/Off) and secure with 2 LP screws. IMG_5780.jpg.b40b926bf2e8aa66727b239154f31396.jpg







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