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Modeler Site detailing photo array


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good morning,

The only thing I'm interested in here are the Rudge wing nuts on the wheels.

Why are you selling your construction reports?

Something like that should be shared in a community, that's what our hobby thrives on. Pay money for a report... No without me.

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16 minutes ago, keramh said:

good morning,

The only thing I'm interested in here are the Rudge wing nuts on the wheels.

Why are you selling your construction reports?

Something like that should be shared in a community, that's what our hobby thrives on. Pay money for a report... No without me.

I have no connection with the Modeling Site contributor who wrote those articles. I found the 2 Mercedes articles when I was searching for an article on the 917K (which Modeler Site doesn't list) since I have the 917KH kit and have bought a few of these detailing articles in the past for some of the Tamiya 1/12 F1 kits (with varying quality and value, as you suggest). I'm not on any other modeling community sites and so, for me, the articles have provided a one stop source of ideas for detailing and addressing kit shortcomings.

I appreciate your point about the value of collaborative, commerce-free exchange of ideas on enthusiast sites and I wholeheartedly agree, but I think there is room for other avenues of gaining knowledge from other's experience, even though it may be "at a cost". As a case in point, I haven't been able to get anyone to respond to my post in the 917 forum regarding the lack of a correct rack and pinion steering gear and linkage and would love to get at least some commiseration on this issue if not an answer or, in a perfect world, some sort of solution.  That's one reason I was searching outside of Agora in what, for me, is a familiar resource.

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