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Pack 8 - Stage 56. Cabin bulkhead.

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Stage 56 gives us a lot of details for the rear bulkhead and then installs the bulkhead on the model.

There is a LOT of work in this stage, so I'm going to split the post over a couple of posts.


Push the smaller ignition box into place.  This is a press fit.


Take the coloured wires and straighten them out.  It doesn't need to be prefect, just enough to make them easier to handle and fit.


Cut 10 off 35mm lengths, 2 of each colour..  


Take one of each colour and push them through the left hole above the ignition box.


Take the blue wire and superglue it to the ignition box.


Repeat with the remaining four wires.


Repeat this for the right hand side of the ignition box.


Push the rev limiter relays onto the bulkhead above the ignition box.


Push the larger ignition box onto the bulkhead.


I'm going to stray from the instructions a little for the next step as I think my method is slightly easier.

Take the 8 lengths of cable, and glue them to the ignition box.


Cut a shortish length of the black cable sheath and insert it into the hole in the bulkhead.


Now feed all the cables through the black cable sheath.


Turn the bulkhead over and trim the cables and sheath flush.  I dribbled a bit of superglue around the cables first as I didn't want them coming out!


Also cut the other ignition wires flush.  Again, I used some superglue to ensure that they wouldn't fall out.


Push the bottom of the regulator housing onto the bulkhead.


Then fit the top of the regulator housing.


Push the two ignition coils into place.  


Cut the red and black wires as per the instructions.  I.e.  2 off 30mm lengths of red, and the black is cut into 2 lengths of 96mm, two lengths of 30mm and a length 22mm.


fit the 30mm lengths of red and black cable to the ignition coils.  You will need to swell the ends of the tubes with a cocktail stick.


Feed these through the hole above the coils.


Take the two 95mm lengths and fit them to the centre post of the coils.  These are then fed through the holes to the right of the coils.


Turn the bulkhead over.  Trim the shorter cables flush with the bulkhead, but leave the long black cables free for the moment.


Push the last (22mm) black cable onto the bottom of the T connector, then push this onto the bulkhead.


Cut the fire extinguisher hose into 2 lengths, 250mm long.  Push these onto the tee branch connector and feed the free ends through the large holes.


The bulkhead is now ready to be fitted to the model.  I shall continue with this in part 2 of the post.



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Before putting the bulkhead into place, bring the brake lines (40F) through the bottom outer triangle of the chassis.  I have only shown the left side, but it's the same on the right.


Now put the bulkhead loosely into position and connect the brake lines to the pins on the bulkhead.Again, it's the same both sides.


Feed the HT leads through the chassis as shown.


The fire extinguisher pipes go through the top outer triangles of the chassis.


Now you can put the bulkhead in place properly.


Secure it with 2 screws.


Push the HT leads onto the pins in the distributor cap.  This is a bit fiddly and you'll need to swell the ends ont he tube with a cocktail stick.


Push the two halves of the fire extinguisher together.


Push the black tube onto the fire extinguisher and then push the pins on the fire extinguisher through the holes in the bus;khead.

I found that I needed to shorten the black tube a bit.


Push the clutch cable onto the pin on the bulkhead.


Secure the fire extinguisher pipes to the chassis with 4 of the black tapes.  This is the tape at the front of the engine bay.  Same both sides of course.


This is the tape a the rear of the engine bay.  The ends of the pipe are left loose.


This completes the stage.



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