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Pack 8 - Stage 55. The seat belts.

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  • Administrator

There is a lot of work in Pack 8.  I do mean A LOT!! 

Stage 55 gives us the seat belts and plexiglass partition.


Press the partition into place.  It's an easy press fit.


We start the seat belts by fixing the top buckle to the belt.

The easiest way to do this is to fold over the end of the belt, then pass it through the buckle.


Thread teh folded end down through the other side of the buckle.


It looks like this from the underneath.


Slide the bottom buckle on.  This is straight forward, but note that eh small hole goes towards the bottom of the belt.


Slide the buckle lock onto the end of the belt.


Stick a piece of the double sided tape to the end of the belt.


Fold the end over and stick the belt to itself.  Repeat the process to make a second identical belt.


Feed the belt supports through the top loop and push them into place of the cabin bulkhead.


This complete the stage.


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