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Pack 2, Stage 13

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Connecting the spark plugs and shielding the cables


This is by far and away the fiddliest stage of the build so far. It is akin to trying to tame a basket of snakes.


Steps 1-5

Start by removing the exhaust manifold, and then locate the SHORTEST spark plug wire. Insert a plug into the cable, with a dot of CA to secure it. (Trust me, you’ll want a secure attachment later) Insert the plug into the left-hand hole at about a 30 degree down angle. Next, use a 100mm cable and repeat the assembly of the plug, but this time, insert the plug into the second from left hole in the engine block. 76.thumb.jpg.efa24c7b6e3b7db22a896e893d1ff0d7.jpg77.thumb.jpg.f152fef58ba56afa00b0245c93385e66.jpg

Steps 6-12

Now, locate two of the longest cables as well as the right-hand lower cable guide. Press the two cables into the cable shield, leaving about 30mm exposed on the shorter end. Now, using a DM screw, attach the cable shield to the block. Now, locate a spark plug and insert it into the block, matching the angle of the previous two plugs. Repeat with the last cable and plug. At this point you may want to adjust the length of the cables. Gently pull on the longer ends of the cables to get the plug cable to a length you prefer. 78.thumb.jpg.67f4e89f43efa6da628c73b93ae6ce2d.jpg79.thumb.jpg.066c2c287d4a82500245ff45a55196ca.jpg

Steps 13-15

You’ll need the exhaust manifold for this next stage. Also, locate the lower cable guide as well. Using a DP screw, attach the lower shield to the manifold, and reattach the manifold to the block using the same two screws.

Steps 16-29

These steps are the same as the previous 15,save that you leave out the right hand screw for the next steps.81.thumb.jpg.2c3759e34ad0d9fe2359e25f2e978f96.jpg

Steps 30-31

Take the lower left cable shield (the largest one) and using an AM screw, attach it to the block.80.thumb.jpg.228419b799bc7ddd639feb7dd52c5f11.jpg82.thumb.jpg.2ba886429223297324caa4ec77da8233.jpg

Voila! Tamed snakes! They will get feisty in the next stage though.

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