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Pack 2, stage 12

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Assembling the engine block and attaching the fuel injection unit.


Well gang, the parts count in this stage goes up! We have 14 parts to add to the growing engine block, most of which are pulley halves, and the fan.

Steps 1-4 are assembling pulley halves. Start with pulley halves 6 & 4 and press these together, followed by pulley half S which is pressed onto the set you just made, yielding a double pulley. 57.thumb.jpg.48058926a4c0e7b78e0d3067b558b676.jpg

Step 5 & 6 are attaching this pulley to the block. 58.thumb.jpg.1d7d56b80226be7ece1addf7c1f4c59c.jpg

Next, add the water pump to the block with 3 FM type screws, followed by adding the provided length of hose and the hose connector. As usual, I added a tiny bit of CA to the hose/hose connector joint to keep the hose firmly in place. (Steps 7-10)59.thumb.jpg.db9d2f3ff27b8870fc1164bf11ac4865.jpg60.thumb.jpg.aeb5a68c8ef8efc96157c0a036e5a42a.jpg

Now, something a bit more fun, the fan! We start with the fan clutch, taking care to align the parts as required, and press fit until it is tight all the way around the joint. I found this to be a very tight fit. Next, the fan is installed onto the clutch, making sure the two pins on the fan are fit into the two correct holes in the clutch assembly. Use 2 AP screws to secure the fan onto the clutch.  (as a side note, I was curious why the fan was asymmetrical, and here is the answer; It seems that a harmonic vibration would set up, and this cause a rather loud hum. So, they offset the spacing of the fan blades to eliminate this obnoxious noise)   61.thumb.jpg.cd1bd04fc47af780baf57c2ec8f3cc70.jpg62.thumb.jpg.c1f3ad7da6ece03714908aff7b0b6e46.jpg63.thumb.jpg.060cc8178045c3dfbcda2caf03c110e3.jpg

Next, we assemble a pulley I which is another double. This is attached to the water pump housing, with a DM screw. The last bit in assembling the fan is to press the fan post into the pulley. 64.thumb.jpg.aceb670438dbefbe62cda065e70cc09e.jpg65.thumb.jpg.c2355b76cbc6c52e0631a0d911b3008e.jpg

Now, take the rear panel of the engine block and place it so that the two tabs fit into place on the two posts inside the block. Using two lubricated DM screws, secure it into place. Next, take the assembly of the engine block top, and fit this into place, and secure using 4 lubricated DM screws. 66.thumb.jpg.63b780c9d3e9713f4ba91567b7f59a41.jpg67.thumb.jpg.ab863f8eeaf6f77aec00ee8741167294.jpg

Lastly, we get to fit the injector unit to the engine block! The Injector assembly will fit only 1 way around, so it is a bit of a no brainer which way it should face. Seat it into the two raised screw holes, and secure with two DM screws. Start at the front (fan side) screw, then move to the rear68.thumb.jpg.87c70c85482d24e9f4c6b6abd937cee8.jpg69.thumb.jpg.d2f73c71465ffed5722beb0b7573ee4b.jpg. Attach the two hoses as directed. The next step was a bit fiddly. Take the short plastic water hose and fit it into place. I found this step easier to do if I removed the fan previously installed, then reinstalled if after the water hose was in place. 72.thumb.jpg.aee4eb5e8b989f1d0aa3e55ffd454d59.jpg


That's it for Stage 12!




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