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Pack 2, Stage 10

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Pack 2, Stage 10,  Attaching the air meter to the fuel injection unit


Attaching the air meter to the fuel injector unit. 


Steps 1-6 are concerned with the construction of the air meter. There are two quite small parts that the enclosed tweezers come in handy to place. 


Locate the air meter body, and the small black bracket. This bracket is a press fit onto the post located on the air meter body. I maneuvered it into place with the tweezers, and then pressed it into place, with a bit of adjustment after to make sure it was all aligned. The second small part is the air meter linkage. This is located on the opposite side as the bracket you just installed. It is another good press fit. (Steps 1-4) 34.thumb.jpg.5adc47b5cb50e193afb5e06686227f12.jpg35.thumb.jpg.7d0350abf5c92cdf7abfa21aa4c434e9.jpg36.thumb.jpg.d6bddf25e2e91197d7a809c31437b57a.jpg


Steps 5-6 are placing the choke valve in it slot on the front of the main air valve body. 37.thumb.jpg.60baa7c141b18ecd98631aa6d8d5c277.jpg


In steps 5-8, the air meter body is installed onto the main injector assembly. (This assembly is really shaping up!) the diffuser cone is also installed, wrapping up this series of steps. 38.thumb.jpg.c0c901eeefc38351f4b19edda1db4d29.jpg


Steps 9 and 10 are installing the throttle linkage. This part is a bit fiddle to get into place, and you will need to adjust the position to get the pin on the actual linkage into place on the black bracket. The “throttle return pin” is that last bit of this assembly to be placed, and is again, a bit fiddly to get into position. 39.thumb.jpg.c5573bf3d5840d58a124885a714b42ac.jpg40.thumb.jpg.154144f772dbfba070067a2d50a8b6ea.jpg41.thumb.jpg.af0d21460f4706d4c8bd2060eb70f2eb.jpg


Steps 11 thru 14 are the placement of the two provided hoses, and are quite simple to manage. I again used a bit of CA on the pins to make sure that the hoses stayed put. 41.thumb.jpg.af0d21460f4706d4c8bd2060eb70f2eb.jpg


Steps 15-18 deal with the placement of the fuel pipes. These are a bit fragile looking, so a bit of care in placement is warranted. 43.thumb.jpg.dbee54b0d0beb6e365472a38353c8ae5.jpg44.thumb.jpg.20fea2557fa5f5b7b0d45fbf400764c9.jpg



This wraps up the fuel injector unit. I must say, it is a really nice looking assembly! 



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