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Bigbadbri last won the day on December 4 2022

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  1. Pack 12 should be free rather than a voucher for another model which will probably be delayed...plus ww3 is just around the corner?
  2. Following a thread from Jo I wanted to change my LED's on the dashboard to warm white and green instead of the crystal white as supplied by Agora which are not in keeping with the original car. To that end I have asked on a couple of occasions to Agora CS team what voltage is delivered to the dashboard, via lead 11. They first replied they wouldn't know that information (So much for "Experts") so I asked them to contact their design people in China and since then the whole of Agora CS has gone incommunicado. Presumably these forums are monitored by Agora CS so read on: The car is powered by 3 cells = 4.5VDC but that may not be what comes to the dashboard lights as they need very little power to illuminate the LED's so it may not be 4.5VDC. N.B. The original does not have any resistors on it On the test piece I have built it has 2 warm white and one green wired in parallel like the original - these have different forward voltages: The green (In this case) is 1.8volts (which is very low) and warm white 2.4V with the current being 20mA. That means that the resistor needed would be for 4.5V source voltage of 135ohm for green and 105ohm for white, However for 3V that drops to 60ohm and 30ohm respectively This as you can see when powered up would affect the life of the LED hence I would like to know the voltage supplied to lead 11 from the circuit board. Does anyone have the schematic of the circuit board or would like to draw it out so we can all find out ???? or Agora could send me a replacement circuit board and I'll work it out myself.....and the answer is NO I'm not stripping my car to remove my circuit board and take it apart!! Regards Guys and Gals
  3. And the answer is:- Hello Brian. This not something we would know. As you say, it runs on 4.5V. This will power the whole car. Maybe this is a question to put to our Forum, as there are lots of modellers there that modify their builds. Good luck. Please share some pictures if you manage to do it. Thank you, Whatever happened to the "experts"? Anyway because of the different voltages and currents for different colours the final result will probably be 2 separate circuits with a 150 9hm resistor for green and something like 220 ohm for white....all based on 4.5vdc reaching the dashboard Surely agora have schematics or can speak to the Chinese manufacturer
  4. Much obliged, The following will be fun - I'll ask Agora lol
  5. Jo.mora - Do you have any inside information on the voltage that is delivered to the dashboard lights as I would like to put warm white and green like you have done. So the last thing I want it to do is go pfft when it's all put together. I can see that it runs on 4.5v but does this change on the circuit board to something less and do I need a resistor in line or possibly 2 seeing as the green may have a lower forward voltage as indeed will warm white.....any help gratefully received
  6. Does anyone actually vett these instructions.......it states that we're fitting the window washer, where it is in fact the radio aerial....duh
  7. Craig the plague appears to have the same opinion as myself. The problem will be connecting the wheel to the rack as the screw to hold them both together will only go in one way ....that makes the wheel the wrong way round so a modified part needs supplying
  8. It seems as commented agora are sticking to a stock answer so without a modified replacement steering wheel with the flat on the opposite side coming anytime soon, does anyone have a mod they can share that is effective and robust?
  9. Then the kit is wrong, I have tried always The flats are both on the same side and should be opposite to make the steering wheel correct, so mine will be wrong unless agora admit the instructions are either wrong for pack 7 or when the steering rack was built. Either way mine will have spoke pointing down
  10. The carpet is barely big enough, I've had to patch it in where the seats will be near the gear stick
  11. Surely the shock absorbers on a db5 are bright orange especially the piston....I've painted mine dark green with a silver piston like on my old moggy thousand
  12. In preparation for this build is there any info on what lights up or physically works in the cabin of the DB5. I'm thinking of side lights and brake lights or rear lights and indicators, or what alternatively works from the remote. This is in preparation of any mods that I might need to do......or does anybody have any planned
  13. This is exactly what eaglemoss did for the 66 batmobile just before they went under.
  14. I need the db5 to have at least the ejector seat and others like Eaglemoss db5 plus any new stuff
  15. Nope just a digital router at a glass local company (i know the md) Thanks for the kind words
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