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Pack 3, Assembling the lower left arm

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Assembling the lower left arm


Start by locating TR-3-18 and TR-3-19. As well as 2x PB2.3x6mm screws. This creates the “left wrist.’ Screw the two halves together, and then slip TR-3-46NEW over the assembly. TR-3-46NEW is located in a separate bag. Make sure to use this, as the previously supplied part does not allow full function of the wrist joint.


Next, find TR3-13 and screw the previous assembly onto the plate using 4x PB2.3x6 screws. (step 2)

For step 3, you’ll need the upper arm assembly from pack 2. Locate parts TR-3-10 and TR-3-11, and use 2x PB2.3x6 screws to secure the halves onto the elbow joint


 Next, for step 4,  locate parts TR-3-09 and TR-3-12, along with 2 more PB2.3-6mm screws. Attach these two parts as described. In step 5, you attach 1 small part to the elbow.


Step 6 creates the “forearm” and requires TR-3-03 and TR-3-04, as well as 3x M3x12 bolts, lock washers, and nuts, as well as the assembly from step 2. Screw the parts together as depicted, taking care that part TR-3-46NEW is positioned correctly.op46.jpg.5861b28808f0e4d3c9b0ee3021903619.jpg

Step 7 adds a “cuff” to the lower forearm, with 4x  PWM2x5.5mm screws.

Step 8 will require a bit of CA glue to secure part TR-3-15 to the “sleeve” TR3-01. Apply in the 4 areas indicated by the drawing in step 8A. Step 9 is an immediate follow on where the assembly from step 8  is screwed to the lower forearm, with PWM2x5.5mm screws. op48.jpg.3b54e3e0d264e77f9a6918d7648b1f46.jpgop49.jpg.8c639ab705b565dd0bd2de65b10d5f9c.jpg 

Steps 10-13 covers more parts that comprise the outer covering pieces (TR-3-07 and TR-3-08)) that are  screwed to the forearm, and in step 12, the mating piece TR-3-07 is screwed on from the other side.

Lastly, in step 14, the final two parts are added to the forearm, using CA glue applied in 3 places as indicated in the build guide.op50.jpg.f5304377f531bde427289dd76acc1bd6.jpg

Instep 15, the hand is press fit into the socket, resulting in a complete left arm and shoulder!op51.jpg.54f8c61bc3c7b6c2415f9e157dee0048.jpgop52.jpg.6ccfc71b05a71d8869fdf3efb7cd402d.jpg


NOTE; Other than the required parts substitution, there is nothing tricky about this parts pack. The assembly is superbly engineered, and the quality of the parts is second to none.



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  • 6 months later...

Where the heck is the bag with the replacement part for TR-3-46!?!  There are plenty of warning not to use the packaged part, but no indication of where the mysterious bag is with the replacement.  Someone please help!!!

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