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Bypass touch switch on model base?


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I will be placing Bismarck model in a custom made display case and would like to be able to operate model without having to removed cover to activate touch switch each time .

I have installed the power pack so I can run the power supply through the wood bottom of the case but need a way to move the base touch switch outside of the display case housing or to replace the switch with a toggle type switch on the out side of the case.

The case measures 60 x 11 x19 inches and would be a bit of a pain to open each time I want to show off the model's action.

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it looks like a simple switch, so a basic toggle switch replacement would suffice.  Just extend the wiring and new switch to wherever you want.  It's then just a matter of how simple or complex you want the switch to be.  Usually I try to replace the simple switch on the Hachette/Deagostini builds with something a little more visually impressive.  But in the end it's only a simple on/off switch.

Also I lowered the Bismarck base so that it sat lower - looks much better imo.







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