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Pack 6 - Stage 32. Port engine details.

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Stage 32 gives us a lot more details for the port engine.


We start with the auxiliary engine.  This was also called a barring engine, used to turn the engine slowly.  The name originated from smaller steam engines where the engine had to be turned by levering the flywheel with a long bar in order to get it in the right position for starting.  

These are the three parts we need.


Glue the pipe onto the main part of the engine, then glue the detail B (possibly the steam valve for the barring engine) in place.


Glue this to the engine stand.


Glue the catwalk in place.  I found it easiest to put the pins at the bottom of the ladders in first, then hold the walkway agains the engine frames while the glue set.  Alternatively, put it in position without glue, then apply glue to the undersides of the pins and connection points to the frames and let capillary action draw the glue in.


Take the vapour separator and push it into the holes in the low pressure cylinder.


It goes in quite tight.  Here is a view of the separator from the top.


The instructions now advise us to fit the valve pipe to the valve rods, then fit this to the engine.  However, there is a chance of getting the angle wrong, so I suggest the fit the valve rods first.


Now fit the valve pipe to the valve rods and vapour separator.  This is a more fool proof sequence of assembly.


Fit the reversing engine to the engine plinth.  This part is straight forward.  Just glue it in the hole!


We assemble the larger pump next.  These are the 4 parts we need.


Glue detail 32C in place, then fight e two larger parts which are held by 2 screws.


Glue the detail (32S) in place.


Glue the pipe and valve in place.  


I suggest putting this in place on the deck while you glue it to ensure that the pipe lines up with its hole.


The instructions would have us glue the pipe (32M) to the connection (32R) and then glue this to the pump.  However, I propose a different sequence.  Glue the pipe connection (32R) in place on the top of the pump.


Note that the hole adjacent to the connection must be kept clear.  Here's a view from the top.


Put the pump in place on the engine room floor and screw it in place.  Then glue pipe (32M) in place.


Glue the pressure gauge and the control valve in place.


Fit the lubrication pump on the other side not he thrust block and secure it with a screw from underneath.


Glue the pipe (32I) to the pump.


Fit the valve pipe to the engine floor.


This completes the stage, and the pack, and the port engine. 

Here's a gratuitous shot of the engine in place on the deck, just because I can't resist trying it in place!




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