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Everything posted by Jo.Mora

  1. Hi, It definitely doesn't look right... I haven't received pack 6 (nor pack 5 for that matter) so I can't really verify the fit of the hand brake... Silly question: Did you firmly press the handle in place before securing it with the PS05 screw? Is the screw tight enough? Thanks for bringing this up, I will surely pay special attention to this detail!
  2. In parallel to the Agora DB5, I am currently building the IXO Bugatti 57SC (which came in ONE package and cost like 3 time less than the DB5... but I understand that Agora as a different business approach) and I thought it would be interesting to compare the wire wheels from both kits. The Bugatti wheels are quite larger than the DB5's but they share the same number of spokes. Assembly is done in a similar way (including all the issues I encountered with the DB5 wheels...). The main difference is that the DB5 wheels have 4 rows of spokes and the 57SC has 5. Where things got crunchy is when building the 57SC wheels is that the spokes for the third row are definitely too short and I had to unbend the tip super glue all of them in place to make them fit. Despite this, the wheels look very very good! IXO has even thought of the inflation valve stem (circled in red in the picture) which I think is very cool... (@Agora, take note of this detail! 😉). Also, notice the amount of spokes I'm left with after building five wheels! IXO included 2 or 3 Spokes for each stage of each wheel just in case you loose some during the assembly! (@Agora, take note of this too! 😁).
  3. Hi all! If like me you have lost a spoke (pinging off your tweezers to another space-time continuum) while building your wheels, here I share my solution. I used a sewing pin that was the same diameter to within a thousandth or two of an inch and using one of the original spokes as a template, I was able to make a replacement. I used a pair forceps (but you can use a pair of long-nose pliers if the tip is thin enough) to gently match the bends and then just cut the excess with some cutters. Once it was installed, I couldn't tell which spoke was the "fake" one... Hope this helps.
  4. Hi, I see that you're done with pack 5... Good job! I'm still waiting for mine... I'm curious, is the rear suspension functional? I was a bit surprised (and disappointed) that the front suspension became non functional after installing the rigid one piece steering rack/tie rods assembly. I have built cheaper kits that had working suspension... I'm thinking of modifying it to correct this...🤔
  5. Nice work! I feel the struggle here to... my fingers aren't as agile as they used to. 😒Do, oups! Undo, redo, DAM! Redo... 😭But when finished, 👌
  6. In parallel, I am currently building the Bugatti 57SC form IXO Collection... My thoughts on the IXO spoke wheels; Although they are larger than those on the DB5, the quality and consistency (size wise and finish) of each individual spoke is not as good as Agora's. This is probably why they do include a few extra spokes for each step. Nonetheless, I had to "modify" several of them to make them fit. The rest of the kit is truly amazing though! They also do include an "easy wheel" option in the kit if you don't have the patience... 😉 Seeing this, I can only salute the work done by Agora on their spoke wheels and how well they come together when compared to other manufacturers...
  7. I just ordered the Bugatti 57! I am super excited and I can't wait to get my hands on it! 😁
  8. Really nice work! See you also drilled front cam case breathers (or what ever these are called)...
  9. Yeh, those A-arm pins are really small! And expensive for what you're saying... 😶 For the spokes, I learned my lesson... I will never use the tweezers to pick them up again! Just to "massage" them in place once they are threaded through the holes... 😉
  10. Some progress today after receiving Pack 4. Completed front suspension, brakes and steering. Front dampers (shocks) painted red (just because they should not be orange 😉) with silver lower spring support. "Cadmium plated" calipers and "weathered" Discs... The rest is pretty much "out of the box". Notice that I didn't connect the valve cover breather pipe to the starter motor (Identified as "oil pump" in the instructions)... Instead, I extended the pipe straight down as it should be.
  11. Yesterday, I almost had a catastrophe while assembling the first row of spokes on my second wheel. When I grabbed one of the spokes with the tweezers, it flew off in an unknown direction! After a few minutes of fruitless searching, I had to resign myself to the fact that I'd never find it again... I had to find a way of making a replacement. Fortunately, my wife sews and I found pins that were the same diameter to within a thousandth or two. Using one of the spokes as a template, I was able to make a replacement and once it was installed, I couldn't tell which spoke was the "fake"... Maybe Agora should include some spare spokes like they do with screws?
  12. Wow... travail de patience! Le résultat est absolument parfait! 👍
  13. Salut Oliv79, Qu'avez vous utilisé pour le fil du thermocouple? Il plus réaliste que le mien... Merci!
  14. Quel beau travail!! Je vais certainement m'en inspirer!
  15. Déjà à l.étape 017, il ne s'agit pas de la pompe à huile mais bien du démarreur... Alors il y à un soucis à y brancher l'évent de couvercle de valves de gauche. Pour l'évent de couvercle de valves de droite, il ne devrait pas être branché au au bloc moteur car à l'endroit où il est branché, il devrait plutôt y avoir le filtre à huile (qui est absent de la maquette)... Agora l'a échappé sur ces détails, pas que ça va se voir, mais quand-même gros comme erreur. En plus, plusieurs durites sont identifiées comme "distribution d'huile" alors qu'il s'agit en fait de distribution du liquide de refroidissement. Je planifie déjà plusieurs modifications.
  16. Question... Why is the L/H valve cover breather connected to the starter?? When it should just vent overboard... Just asking...
  17. Yes saw it too (the Cobra exhaust)... Very impressive!🤩
  18. Hi all, I decided to start my own thread to show "my take on the DB5 build". I don't consider myself as a pro but I enjoyed the hobby for many decades now. I aim at making my models look as realistic as possible without being over zealous... In this thread, I will share my progress on the build. You are welcomed to comment, suggest or even criticize (in a kind way 😉). Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Best regards.
  19. Thanks for the compliment! I couldn't have described it better myself! "Well maintained but well driven"... love it!! It's exactly the look aiming for for this legend. After all, she is 60 years old!
  20. My take on Pack 2 so far... Some weathering and dri lled the vent holes on the two cylinder head vents.
  21. My bad... I purchased my kit from the "other site", not directly from Agora (paid for 5 Packs already)... never the less, I haven't received Pack 2 yet, it's in transit but obviously won't make before the end of the month which means no Pack in December. No sure what causes the delays but I hope it gets settled somehow.
  22. Agora charged me Pack 3 yesterday and still haven't shipped Pack 2... 😡
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