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LaFerrari, Pack 3

Mark A

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Pack 3, stage 17

The part enclosed is the right front tire, but we actually place the interior floor mats, as well as a part of the partition.

Both the floor mats are press-to-fit, and they snuggle right down.  The partition piece is also a press-to-tit, but in the case of my example, it needed a bit of glue to secure it into place as it kept wanting to pop off.


Having placed these 3 pieces, the stage is complete!

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Pack 3, stage 18

The right front wheel rim

The rim and tire assembly is a piece of cake! Simply slide the tire onto the rim and press it into place. You’ll need to work sections of the tire to get it to seat evenly around the rim. I did not need to use hot water for this stage, as the tire is a good fit to the rim and isn’t overtight.


Stage complete.

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Pack 3, stage 19

The pedals.

Yet another very quick stage!

Position the pedals, routing the wires appropriately and secure with 2 B type screws.

(I found it advantageous to loosen the screw holding the firewall in place. This made it easier to get the pedals in position, after which I tightened the screw again. The pedal assembly was pushing the firewall out of square a bit, and loosening the firewall made it easy to maintain square.)


Stage complete.

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Pack 3, stage 20

The cooling system

Start this stage by pressing the top of the left fan into place. There is a small notch in the large fan section that matches a small pip on the shroud of the left fan.


 In step 2, the bottom section to the fan is screwed onto the main fan body assembly from the underside with 2 type E screws.


Step 3 places the extractor onto the assembly. You’ll need 4 more type E screws for this step.


Stage complete!

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 Pack 3, stage 21

The luggage compartment.

Two screws, and this stage is done! You’ll attach the compartment lid to the compartment with 2 F type screws. The lid is screwed onto the compartment from the outside, making sure that the countersunk screws aren’t too tight as you’ll run the risk of breaking the hinge.


Stage complete.

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Pack 3, stage 24

The seat Belts

Start step one by pressing the rear bezel onto the front bezel. This is another great press fit, so no worries about using glue.


In step 2, the Bezel assembly is placed onto the rear cockpit assembly, and in step 3 is secured to the rear of the cockpit section with 3 type B screws.


Step 4 is the attachment of the seat belts to the cockpit tub sidewalls. This is a press fit as well.


Stage complete.

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