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  1. Looks amazing ! I am about to start rigging - I bought EZ Line vs using the kit supplied thread. Nice work !!!!
  2. Did you have any issues with your hull fitting with the deck pieces ? Just finishing pack 11 and placed the final aft deck piece and the there are visible gaps not only between the pieces themselves but also the hull and the deck ? I supposed once the electronics are finished I can glue the decks on which should help a bit. Any thoughts are appeciated.
  3. Here's how it turned out - halfway thru pack 9
  4. Thanks for the advice - looks like everything is painted white other than the turbine. I may go with a flat white as I am not weathering her.
  5. Hi Group, Really enjoying this build and I am ready to assemble to turbine room. I have not painted any part of this build but intend to show off some detail. Any ideas ? I did see some paint most of the unit flat white with some gray elements (the turbine itself) Any advise is appreciated. Chris
  6. Gents, Im at this stage of the build - can you tell me more about doing away with the Knot and painting a fiber optic cable ? Cant I just use the existing one and paint it black ? Any advice is appreciated.
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