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Everything posted by Gogo_NJ

  1. Hello, I don’t know if it’s just the model or I did something wrong but the batteries in the head die after a few weeks even if the lights are off. I leave the battery pack on so I can turn it on when I want to show it off and the base works fine every time but the head is almost always dead until I replace the batteries. Is this normal?
  2. I just wanted to post here again so that everyone knows how great Agora's customer service is. This is my first experience with Agora but having dealt with other Build Up companies, I can say that right now Agora is a shining example. Thank you for handling everything so quickly.
  3. Hello all. So I got the Shelby Snake 6 Pack accelerated starter and instead of packs 1-6 I got packs 1, 2 and 4-7. I'm concerned about missing pack 3 and not being able to build the model. The whole point was to be able to "accelerate" the build but missing a pack in the middle is a bit concerning. Will Pack 3 be my next shipment? And can I move one without pack 3?
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