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Katz last won the day on August 18

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  1. Finished. Mods: Respray. The panels were different shades, so I got Mercedes DB180 silver 2 stage automotive paint and repainted the whole car. Not too bad being the first time I’ve ever done that. Couldn’t really do much about the poor panel fit, but I tried. Lighting. I rewired the car and added front indicators and license plate lamps. The control board was basically junk, as were the dome light switches. Interior. Blue with plaid seats, grey tunnel cover and floor mats. Wire for the steering column stalks, repainted the ivory bits. Used pin heads for the rivets. Badges. Got these beautiful photo etched badges from Russia. Which, even if I didn’t respray the car, I would have needed. The kit applied ones were junk. The trunk script flaked right off as soon as I touched it. Very pleased with these. I have an extra set if anyone is interested (free). Happy with the car, over all.
  2. Thanks! Your project is a bit more ambitious than mine. I thought about deleting the horns on mine but since I went with American plates, and it’s a lot of work (mostly because of the work) I didn’t. Interesting that they’re on the front and not the back of your car. I’m using Revell chrome spray on the number plate lamps but it is, so far, a very fragile finish. Looks the business, though. And someday, I’ll be able to install them. 🤞
  3. Got the body married to the chassis. A bit of a squeeze, but no mishaps. Gonna be a shame to cover up that frame. Added the license plates, and I’m happy with those. Also added the side script. Not too shabby. Now it’s on to the final stage.
  4. Watching paint dry. And assembled the trunk floor. Might dirty up that carpet.
  5. I’ve been looking for license plates with raised lettering for a while. These will be here mid August. Hope they look as good irl. 🤞 got pack 11 today, so lots of work ahead.
  6. added orange LEDs and cleaned up the nose badge.
  7. IXO put out a Citroen DS a few years back. I’d buy that in a heartbeat if Agora offered one.
  8. Got the dash back together. The new gauges are much better. Decided not to light it. Why risk it? I also got my photo-etched emblems from Alex in Russia (thanks @keramh for the tip). They are beautiful! Used regular old super glue, and mounted the script on the dash. A huge improvement over the decal. As soon as the next pack arrives, I’ll paint the trunk lid and install the other emblems. Requested new license plate lamps from Agora since the ones I got looked like this. The plastic is fortunately a translucent white plastic under that chrome, so illuminating them won’t be hard. But for now, I wait.
  9. Got a lot done, and am fairly satisfied. Could be better. I did a quick dry fit of the body to chassis and it sits proud, not sure what it’s hanging up on. Thinking it’s the sills, but not sure. They seem to fit ok without the body Paint and polish, doors hung, headliner (good thing you can’t really see it), weather stripping, starting on lights. I ordered a new instrument cluster off eBay since my main gauges are so muddy. I hope the new one is better.Might experiment on this old one to try to illuminate them. Not sure if I can. And, if I can figure it out, the rear license plate lights, too. I am lighting the front indicators. Can’t believe that didn’t come with the kit.
  10. I too ordered a set and they are on the way. Excited to see them on the model! What are you using as adhesive?
  11. I saw that too! Looks great in red. Bet it’s the exact same tooling, though.
  12. Thanks. I did glue the cards, and filled the holes and seams. Assembly was a bit of a pain considering how the pieces are constructed, but I managed to get it all together. As for the pins, I went with what was printed on the model. I suppose I should have looked up # and placement. Happy-ish overall. Where did you get your little hex-head screws, btw? They would be great for the hinges.
  13. That is awesome! Are you going to recreate the peak on top of the lamp housing? (careful with the chrome. It tarnishes easily with fingertips)
  14. Finished the door cards today. Replaced the painted on rivets with pin heads. Did the same on the cabin panels. Laid down a little body paint too. It’s a start… Oh, and I lopped a coil off the rear springs to try to get the camber under control. Subtle difference, but it’s better. before: after
  15. Thanks! It’s very very beige.
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