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Kapitan Lindemann

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Posts posted by Kapitan Lindemann

  1. On 8/10/2023 at 10:13 AM, Kapitan Lindemann said:

    I have pre ordered the DB5 over 24 mths I have noticed that buying the special edition you get the case that lights up plus a background scene but only if you pay the full price up front ,Well I can not afford to do this I was wondering will Agora Models do this for others buying this model  

    What I meant to say at the end was those modellers who buy this model over 24mths could they  buy the case as a extra 

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  2. I have pre ordered the DB5 over 24 mths I have noticed that buying the special edition you get the case that lights up plus a background scene but only if you pay the full price up front ,Well I can not afford to do this I was wondering will Agora Models do this for others buying this model  

  3. If you do not mind me asking can i ask what sort of Black did you use  on the capstans the anchor guides  and on the sides of the hcach  and what color and make of paint did you use for the brass affect on top of the capstans. and the steam valves  And on the Anchor guides  are they the one you got with the Kit or are they aftermarket ones. Sorry for the Qs  but this is one my very first builds and I want to get it right 

  4. On 12/20/2021 at 4:58 PM, AgoraSam said:

    Yes, this model is a subscription. We are sorry this upsets you but our models start as subscription models and are then later available as a full kit. 

    At the moment i am building the Hachette version of the Titanic which i am at No12  so far I am thinking of stopping this as you seem to right the wrongs  that the Hachette version eg the breakwaters which on the titanic where white but Hachette was grey and Agroa are going to replace  them with the white ones which is of course is the right color. I have just seen you are going as a  subscription at the moment  as I am near enough getting issue 13 if i cancel the hachette then could I carry on my subscription from 13 from your site The second thing I wish to ask How do i become a member on here as I am just starting on the Bismarck kit from you 

  5. Mark can I ask you a couple of Q as you might know I am building the hachette Titanic version and the parts like breakwaters which should be white  also the steam valves on mine are just a white which Agora are going to replace them in there model of this mighty Ship. Could I just buy the upgrade bits for my verizon which I know is highly unlikely. Should I cancel the  hachette version which I am on issue 12 and go for the Agora verizon which seems to right the wrongs that the hachette verizon. The second thing I wish to ask you how do I become a   Agora member as i am building the AGORA Bismarck which is very good. Hope you have a good weekend Mark Regards Eric

  6. I see that the port side is like  my hachette build one it's like a jigsaw  on the starboard side you do not get that when you get that part.

    At least Agora are replacing  some of the parts which are that done in the wrong colours by Hachette like the breakwaters which in my model are grey!!. 

    Also others who have this kit when you put the foredeck wooden layer they put PVA glue down first  as the sticky on the decking tends to lift and come away from the edges after a while 


    I have been  trying to find out if The Bismarck  Had  the Nazi Flag on its Bow and aft as it went into Battle some said it did others have said it was greyed over or had tapulin put over the emblems. Does anybody know anything about this I know when Ballard found the ship you can see the Nazi flag on the Bow

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