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Joe bollivo

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Posts posted by Joe bollivo

  1. On 3/6/2022 at 12:18 AM, S4Simon said:

    I’m only up to issue 124. So haven’t had the opportunity to test the ships rear gear. I have noticed that there is a technical issue with the rear range finder in that the metal spindle is too short. Which means that if put together as per the instructions then when tested the gear on the metal spindle will unmesh. All you will hear is a motor sound but no movement. Easily fixed though. I just cut 1mm from a round toothpick and installed in the hole before I put the spindle in. I also add plenty of grease to all gears and wear points in all gearboxes. This also reduces gearbox noise. I also don’t screw the gearboxes tight. I tighten fully and then unscrew all screws an eight of a turn. With regard to props, I know Wayne had the same sort of issue and made a video with a fix… I think.

    Hi Simon..have you got some photos about your resolution with the rear rangefinder problem? I have the same identical problem, but I don’t understand which spindle is too shot 

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