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stage 23, Installing the heat isolation shield.

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This stage is a bit nerve wracking, as the heat shield needs to be gently folded to be inserted into its location.

Step 1 is the assembly of the drive shaft, Start by assembling the smaller ½ of the U-joint, using 2 AP screws. Then, insert the u-joint into the main part of the drive shaft, and fix in place with two more AP screws.


Step 2 is the installation of the heat shield. Start by  GENTLY folding the heat shield just enough that it will slip into place under the frame cross member. It doesn’t take a lot of flexing the part to get it into place. Be careful though as it doesn’t take a lot to imagine this part simply folding in half with too much pressure. (Steps 3-4)


Step 5 is the installation frame reinforcements. These are handed, so again, pay attention to the L and R parts. They are a simple press fit into place, and lock in solidly.



This completes Stage 23.

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