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Overall Comments on FDNY Ladder 9 kit

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Comments on the kit.

The model is very detailed and is amazingly good looking. But for the price there is an expectation of high quality.  To that end a few observations:

1. The number of plastic bags containing parts is crazy. It seems you spend most of your time ripping open bags that may contain only a couple of screws. I needed to have trash bin close by into which I was constantly tossing another dead baggie.

2. Screws - Too many bags of screws. Suggest that all screws for the build be provided up front.

3. Screws - 8 type of screws? A bit much in my option. A little engineering thought could have reduced this substantially.

4. PDF's of build. Some images/directions were unclear. The sequencing was annoying. A paper copy of instructions without images and clear diagrams would have been appreciated.

5. Some parts would be better of in metal vs plastic (gear for turntable, tubes for hydraulic lifters, ladders).

6. Mating of the interior cab to the body is a cumbersome and touchy process, especially since the provided instruction photos and guidance are hazy. In addition, to perform this stage the upper chassis must be flipped over and only a single screwed connection joins the cab body to the rest of the chassis. Risk of damage.

7. Fit and finish of some parts is not good. Need to file, cut or enlarge holes to make some bits joint together.


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