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Pack 7 - Stage 33. Starboard engine piping.

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Stage 33 gives us the piping for the stbd engine, which means another fiddly stage!!


Fit the auxiliary engine and the detail to the engine plinth.


Now fit the 8 catwalks.  These are the really awkward parts.  As in the previous pack, I fitted them with small drops of superglue to tack them in place.  Once they were dry I reinforced them with another drop of superglue on each end of the catwalks.


Take the motor parts A & B, the motor pipes, and glue them together at 90 degrees.  There is a D shaped pin, so it's easy to get it right, and smaller pipe doesn't fit onto anything (as far as I can tell) so it's not too critical.


Now fit this pipe assembly to the motor.


The motor is superglued to the engine stand.


Glue the low pressure steam pipes to the cylinders.  The vertical section of pipe goes to the left.


Glue pipe 33H to the cylinders, just above the stands.


Pipe 33J sits between the two low pressure steam pipes.


Now glue the auxiliary motor hand wheel to its stand and glue this to the engine plinth.


Take pipe 33I and glue this to the stands.  Make sure this is fully seated or the next pipe won't fit properly.


Take the vertical pipe and glue this in place.  Fit the bottom end first, followed by the top.


Take the steam turbine pipe and push it in place on the low pressure (largest) cylinders.


Fit pipe 33R, which I forgot to photograph!  Sorry!

Push the vapour separator onto the low pressure cylinder.  Make sure it's fully seated.

The instructions say to fit pipe E to the separator before fitting the separator to the engine, but I prefer to fit that pipe afterward to make sure it's properly aligned.


Now fit pipe E making sure that the end lines up with the holes in the low pressure cylinder.


This completes the stage.


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