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Pack 6 - Stage 29 Starboard engine part 3.

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Stage 29 gives us the crankshaft for the stbd engine.


Clip the connecting rods to the crankshaft.  Pay attention to the photo to see which cranks the rods clip on to.


Place the pistons in position on the starboard set cylinder halves.


Please the port cylinder halves on top, making sure that all the pistons are properly trapped and are free to move up and down.


Press home the cylinder heads and distribution valves.  These hold the cylinder halves together.


Take the shaft 29A and place it on your cutting mat.  Note the protruding tabs point upwards.


Clip the valve rod assemblies to the shaft.


Clip the valve rod assembly to the crankshaft.  Note the the valve rods clip from underneath!


Swing the shaft up and press it into the locating holes in the frame.  A little superglue will help hold this secure.


Place the stop places at the ends of the frame under the crankshaft.


The stop plate with the shorter lugs fits on the end with the D shaped pin on the shaft.


Fit the two stop plate covers in place and secure with screws.


Push the flywheel onto the crank shaft.  Both sides own the fly wheel have a D shaped hole, but the smaller hole is a better fit on the crankshaft.  I'm assuming that this is correct, but best not glue anything until we have the prop shaft to connect to it!  Call me Mr. Cautious!


This completes the stage.  The instructions say the the engine is almost complete, but there's still a lot of detail to add to it!



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