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Pack 7 - Stage 60. The rudder.

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Stage 60 gives us the rudder parts.


Place the hinge bracket in place, and assemble the hinges onto the shaft.


Place the shaft and hinges in position.  You can use the masking tape trick again if you're finding this tricky, but it went quite easily for me.


Screw the bracket top in position to secure the hinges.


Place the trim tab in position.  This tab allows the point to trim the aircraft to fly straight.  An aircraft will tend to veer slightly to the left or right depending on the engine power setting, which is caused by the variations in torque.  The rudder trim can counteract this.


Glue the other half of the rudder in place.


Push the rudder arm onto the shaft.  It's a D shaped shaft so it goes on in the right direction.


Bend the LED wires close to the LED and place this in the bracket.


Screw this to the bracket below the rudder.


Screw this rudder assembly to the fuselage frame with a couple of screws.  Check that the rudder arm isn't rubbing on the tail wheel bracket.  Push it further on to the rudder shaft if necessary.


Wiggle the pushrod onto the rudder arm.  The brackets will stop it coming out again.


Fit the servo arm to the pushrod and the push the servo arm onto the servo.  It's a good idea to re-check that the servo is in its zero position before pushing 


That completes this stage.



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