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Mark's Leopard 2A6 - Pack 3

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Sorry for the delay in posting my diaries, but I was moving from Hong Kong back to the UK.  I've finally managed to find a little time to update the diaries!

Pack 3!
Stage 17, front hull top (for want of the proper word?)


Firstly, add this clip to hold a plastic rod.  I assume that this is to hold the IR sensor for detecting a hit in tank battles.


Then fit the piece of armour to the turret.


This is how the sensor it fits inside the turret.  The rod just slides in.


Stage 18.  The metal hull top frame.


The two shutters are glued in place thus.  Be very miserly with the superglue to keep it neat!


That's all for this stage.  

Stage 19.  Bits with wires!!


Nothing to do in this stage, except tracks.  I'm leaving the tracks until later, but see a previous post on how I assembled them.

Stage 20.  Details for the front of the hull deck.


The vision ports are placed here.


Fix it in place with a single screw, being careful not to over tighten it.  The port should slide easily.


Now fit this part that effectively forms the lower rail.  Again, don't over tighten it as the vision port still needs to slide.


The periscope prism pushes in place.  


These tools are screwed in place.  I'm guessing that these are the rods for cleaning the barrel?


Stage 21.  More details.


The front left mudguard is assembled as per the instructions.  Very straight forward and it looks like this when finished.  The only hiccup I has was that the two little eye bolts came out.  These were easily glued back in place with superglue.




The LED goes in from the inside.


There is a water slide decal to go on the mudguard.  For those nat familiar with the process, soak the decal in water until it starts to slide on the paper.  This can take anything from a 20 seconds to a couple of minutes, depending on the decal.  Best not to leave until the decal floats off the backing paper.  Then wet the model with a paint brush and slide the decal into place.  Remove any excess water with a paint brush and leave it undisturbed to dry.  

I got the position slightly wrong.  The decal should be central in the mudguard.  Unfortunately I only realised after it was too late!!


Finally fix it to the deck.


Stage 22.  From hull details.  Nothing to do with this part until later.


Stage 23.  Front right mudguard.


This is virtually a repeat of the left mudguard.  This is the completed stage, and I got the decal in the correct position this time!!


Stage 24.  Aft deck metal frame.


This just screws to the front deck frame.


This completes this pack.  I'll post pack 4 quite soon.

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